Shravan Kale

My primary interest lies in the practical applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning models and their associated construction techniques. In a world abundant with unique datasets my objective is to bridge the gap between effectively representing diverse datasets and developing predictive models for targeted applications. My strength lies in the ability to leverage my experience in processing research literature, building predictive models, and iterating over the models.


University of Oregon

Master of Science in Computer and Information Science
Courses: Databases, Big Data, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Distributed Computing, and Structure of Programming Languages

September 2016 - June 2018

Vidyalankar Institue of Technology, University of Mumbai

Bachelor of Computer Engineering
Coursework: Analysis of Algorithm and Design, Relational and Linear Algebra, Database Systems, Human-Computing Interactions, Data Warehousing and Mining, Automata theory, Software Architecture, Web Engineering

Bachelor's Project: 'Social Media based real-time news aggregator, using Sentiment Analysis, Text mining and Content-based Personalized Recommendations'
June 2011 - July 2015


Programming Languages and Tools
  • Programming/Markup Languages: Python, C++, Java, Octave/Matlab, SQL, HTML, CSS
  • ML/DL Frameworks and Libraries: Pytorch, TensorFlow, SciPy/SciKit Learn, Numpy, Pandas
  • HPC Framework and Libraries: OpenMP, Boost, MPI
  • Compiler Toolchains: LLVM Optimizer, LLVM Polly